Reading Fundraiser: The Final Update + Photos!
I would like to thank and congratulate all those who participated in EISB’s reading fundraiser this year! If you don’t know what I’m talking about and want to learn more, you can find the info here and the fundraising page here. You can also read more about the charity itself here.
Impressively, we surpassed our goal of 1000.00€ and managed to raise 1105.00€!! I am so so proud of all of our students who participated in this fundraiser, and they should be really proud of themselves too! Their hard work and contributions have made a genuine impact this year in the lives of less advantaged children who do not have the same access to books as we do.
With the money we raised the school was able to buy bookshelves and hundreds of books to put in the classrooms – the beginnings of a library! There is still leftover money and the school will slowly use this over the summer to buy even more books and school supplies for the children.
This week MYP 1 and 2 also had the opportunity to do a video call with some of the students at the school in Tanzania. This was a neat cultural experience where the Tanzanian students asked questions to the EISB students about culture in Slovakia, Europe, etc., and in exchange our students had the chance to ask the Tanzanian students about their culture, foods, school life, traditions, etc.
It made for an interesting cultural exchange and exciting opportunity for our students to get a glimpse into another part of the world. Hopefully we will even be able to visit them in person one day!

Below are some more photos of the children at Liberty Primary School enjoying their new books. I have been told that the children are loving their new books and are eager to read them everyday as well as look at the pictures and use them as art inspiration and tools for creating their own stories, etc.

Thank you again to all those who participated! I look forward to setting up a similar program again in September for those who are interested.