
Der Karneval / the Carnival

Every class learning German with me is starting to prepare for a carnival assembly that takes place after the winter holiday break. Primary has their assembly on the Friday, 11th of March. For Academy, the time and date is still under evaluation. Students are allowed to come to school wearing costumes and in their German lessons they are preparing masks to wear. If someone wants to buy or bring an existing mask from home, they are highly welcomed to do so.

A song called das Fliegerlied, including a dance, will be played in the assembly. Here are the links for the lyrics and the dance moves if students wish to practice at home:

The song with the lyrics.
The song including the dance moves

Viel Spaß damit und schöne Ferien wünsche ich euch allen! (Have fun with it and I am wishing all of you a nice holiday!)

LG, Frau Suvi

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