
A Task of Olympic Proportions

As many of my students can tell you, I am an Olympic Superfan.  I canโ€™t run beyond a light jog, catch anything other than a cold, or hit a barndoor with a banjo, but I adore the Olympic Games, both summer and winter.  So I am always pleased when the Winter Games coincide with German 1โ€™s Freizeit und Hobbys (Hobbies and Pastimes) unit and I can pull out A Task of Olympic Proportions.

Students choose two German-speaking athletes at random and do some research: place and date of birth, hometown, etc.  They create a Steckbrief (info page) for each one and then present them to their classmates orally for a speaking grade. As part of the process, they might have to learn some new vocabulary for the sport, but they are only graded on what they already know.  Itโ€™s a great way to practice the third person of verbs theyโ€™re already familiar with.

Er wohnt inโ€ฆ (He lives inโ€ฆ)

Sie ist 22 Jahre alt. (She is 22 years old.)

Check out some of the Steckbriefe they submitted.

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