
Rome Trip: Castel Sant’Angelo

During our visit to Rome students became tour guides. Each student had to introduce a certain monument to others, focusing on these three areas:

– history of the monument
– how is that monument relevant for us today (Did it influence current culture, language, architecture?)
– a fun fact or an interesting story

In this blog post we share ADRINA’s take on Castel Sant’Angelo:

Castel Sant’Angelo, also known as the Mausoleum of Hadrian, is a tall round building in Rome, Italy. This building has a rich history that goes back nearly two thousand years in time. Castel Sant’Angelo was built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, as a tomb for himself and his family. They started building it in the year 135 AD and finished in 139 AD. It was a huge, round building with a garden and a golden statue on top.

Over the years, the building changed a lot. In the 5th century, it was turned into a fortress to protect Rome from attacks. During the Middle Ages, the popes made it into the castle, adding thick walls and using it as a prison and a place to live. In the 16th century, Pope Clement VII built a secret passageway, the Passetto di Borgo, connecting the Vatican to Castel Sant’Angelo. This allowed the popes to escape safely if there was trouble.

Today, Castel Sant’Angelo is a museum that many tourists visit every year. It helps us understand Rome’s history and see how the city has changed over thousands of years. Throughout the years the castle has inspired many artists, writers, and filmmakers. It is even in the book “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown, which is famous around the world. The design and architecture of Castel Sant’Angelo has also influenced many buildings. Its mix of Roman, medieval, and Renaissance styles is admired by architects everywhere.

One of the coolest stories and facts about Castel Sant’Angelo involves the Archangel Michael. Back in the year 590, when there was a really bad sickness spreading, Pope Gregory I had a vision. He saw Michael on top of the castle, putting away his sword. People thought this meant the sickness would stop. To remember this special moment, they put a statue of Michael on the castle, and that’s how it got its name, “Castel Sant’Angelo”.

Castel Sant’Angelo is more than just a building. It’s a piece of history that shows how Rome has changed from ancient times to today. Its beautiful architecture, cultural significance, and interesting stories make it a great place to visit for anyone who loves history and art.

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