International School Futsal Tournament!
This week, EISB hosted an International School Futsal Tournament with middle school teams participating from five different international schools in Bratislava! There were ten teams playing in total – with each school entering two teams in the tournament.
The five participating schools included:
– English International School of Bratislava
– British International School of Bratislava
– Brilliant Stars International School
– Cambridge International School
– École Française Internationale de Bratislava
The tournament was a lot of fun and I was impressed by the level of respect and sportsmanship that was shown by our EISB players, as well as from the students participating from the other schools. It was such a success that we look forward to organizing another middle school tournament in May or June.
Of note, one of our EISB Teams achieved 2nd place in the tournament! So congratulations to them. And congratulations to Cambridge International School for achieving 1st place in the tournament.
The students from EISB that were on the 2nd place team were:
Timo (Team Captain) – Y9
Tadeas – Y9
Arthur – Y9
Rich M – Y9
Filipp – Y8
Emilia – Y9
Here are a few photos of our 2nd place team: