
During German and Austrian days, students and teachers had the opportunity to test their knowledge in the fields of gastronomy, music, and languages. Fifty-one competitors from Primary and Academy participated in the quiz, including teachers.  Below you will find the questions they had to answer. From the top performer, we drew winners who received sweet rewards with Austrian and German flavor 🙂 Congratulations! – Herzlichen Glückwunsch!


In welchen Ländern ist Deutsch offizielle Sprache?

In which countries is German an official language?

Wie heißt die Hauptstadt von Österreich und die Hauptstadt von Deutschland?

What is the capital city of Austria and what is the capital city of Germany?

Wer war Falco?

Who was Falco?

Schreibe 3 österreichische Desserts.

Write 3 Austrian desserts.

Was ist Kaiserschmarrn? Schreibe die Namen von 3 Zutaten.

What is Kaiserschmarrn? Write the names of 3 ingredients.

Welches Fleisch verwendet man für Wiener Schnitzel?

What meat is used to make Wiener Schnitzel?

Was ist Currywurst und wo ist es in Deutschland beliebt?

What is Currywurst and where is it popular in Germany?

Was ist das deutsche Äquivalent des Wortes “Erdäpfel”?

What is the German equivalent of the word “Erdäpfel”?

Was ist das beliebteste nicht-alkoholische Getränk in Österreich nach Coca-Cola?

What is the most popular non-alcoholic drink in Austria after Coca-Cola?

Ms.Michaela Bariaková

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