
Cultivating Commitment: the Key to Student Success

During my journey as a teacher I’ve come to understand that motivation alone isn’t enough to propel our students toward success. It’s more – it is commitment, which is deeply rooted in their values, that paves the way for lasting accomplishments. Fostering values that lead to commitment plays a crucial role in shaping our students’ educational journey, and we as teachers can and do have influence.

Motivation, we often hear, is the driving force behind achievement. It’s true that motivation is like a spark that ignites our initial enthusiasm for a task or goal. However, here’s the catch: motivation is irregular. It’s a feeling, and feelings fluctuate. What excites us one moment may leave us disinterested the next. We can’t always rely on these ever-changing emotions to carry us through our pursuits.

Commitment, on the other hand, is unwavering. It’s not dependent on momentary feelings but is firmly grounded in our values and beliefs. It’s a conscious decision to pursue a goal regardless of the emotional rollercoaster that may come our way. Commitment is action-based; it’s the driving force behind sustained effort and progress.

Imagine a student who’s passionate about a subject one day but loses interest the next. If they rely solely on motivation, their academic journey could resemble a series of peaks and valleys, with accomplishments scattered and inconsistent. However, if they cultivate commitment, they’re more likely to persevere through challenges and maintain a steady course toward their goals.

One of the most significant advantages of commitment is its transformative power. While feelings won’t alter the circumstances of a student’s life, commitment can. As our Head of School has often times commented: follow instructions, ask questions, turn in your assignments on time! Its the commitment to those three basic things that can lead to improved understanding and progress. Mix in a pinch of motivation and see big things happen.

So, how can we, as educators, help our students develop a strong sense of commitment? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Teach the Value of Persistence: Help students set long term goals but more importantly, teach them to break these down into short term, reachable steps.
  2. Set Clear Goals: The goals students set should be clear. Reword them, draw them, imagine them often, link them to their daily needs and interests – when students have a clear sense of purpose, they are more likely to stay committed to the journey.
  3. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate students’ efforts and accomplishments along the way. This positive reinforcement can boost their commitment and motivation. Recognition doesn’t have to come in the form of a certificate or a prize, often times a short private conversation showing you notice and care, is worth much much more.
  4. Provide Support: Create a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable seeking help when they need it. Knowing that help is available can strengthen their commitment to learning.
  5. Build Patience: sometimes goals, even small ones, take time to reach. Sometimes there are setbacks. Teach students to be patient, to not expect everything to happen at once and quickly. Specifically set tasks that will take more than one lesson to complete, that will be left unfinished for a while, that take time and patience.

While motivation is a valuable starting point, commitment is the driving force that sustains our students’ endeavors. By fostering a sense of commitment in our students, we empower them to take control of their academic journeys, overcome obstacles, and achieve their long-term goals. Commitment isn’t just a feeling; it’s a commitment to action, and it’s the key to unlocking the full potential of our students.

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