
Healthy Cooking, Student-Style

A look at the recent project from MYP 5 Design and Health classes.

Recently at EISB and American Academy, the Design and Physical and Health Education lessons held an interdisciplinary unit with MYP 5 (Year 11 / Grade 10) in which the students were tasked with designing a healthy meal, analyzing the meal to find information about the nutrition values, and finally actually cooking the meal itself.

First, students, in pairs, designed and developed a plan for the meal, applying the health education knowledge recently learned to solve the problem at hand. That problem being; how to cook a meal that is not only healthy, but also tasty. Students then needed to follow through on the plan they had designed, developing a specific list of ingredients needed for each dish, justifying the nutritional value of the meal by examining the macro- and micronutrients, and finally reflecting on their own performance based on how their meal turned out and the steps involved in their planning process.

For the actual cooking portion of the project, students travelled to ChefParade, a cooking school that offers a variety of lessons. Here, students were accompanied by teachers and supervised by two chefs as they prepared ingredients and cooked their meals. As you can see from the pictures above, the results really speak for themselves! Overall, the entire unit and event were major successes, the students effectively planned for, analyzed, and prepared healthy and delicious meals. I certainly look forward to recreating some of these recipes on my own.

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