
Spanish Turron/Christmas

Christmas time has arrived this year again at EISB again. Therefore, with Y10 and Y11, we decided to make a Spanish delicacy called Turron. Seeing that making just one delicacy was not sufficient, we added the Spanish chocolate truffles.

What is Turron? Turron is a sweet dish made from honey, almonds, and egg whites. Traditionally it comes from the region of Valencia. It is as Spanish as sun, siesta, or paella. Turron has a very long tradition, its creation was greatly influenced by Moorish settlers immigrating from the Middle East and Northern Africa to Spain.

Tamara, from Y10, describes the process:

Tamara: “Por la receta del turron y las trufas del chocolate nosotros usamos los ingredientes organicos o veganos. Por el turron compramos el azucar del coco, las almendras, el limon. Yo traigo el miel porque tenemos las colmenas y nosotros obtenemos el miel de nuestras abejas. Mezclamos todos los ingredientes y el producto final fue muy bueno. Por las trufas del chocolate necesitamos 300g de chocolate, 200 ml de nata para montar y 50g de mantequilla. Todos los productos fueron veganos. El chocolate fue negro, la nata para montar fue del leche de coco, y la mantequilla fue vegana. ‘Gracias’ a mi, los productos tuvieron que ser veganos porque soy sin glutan y sin lacteos. Muchas gracias a mis companeros de clase por aceptarlo y que no tuvieron problemas con aquello. “

” For the recipe of the turron and the chocolate truffle, we used only organic or vegan ingredients. For the turron, we bought coconut sugar, almonds, and a lemon. I brought the honey because we have beehives and we get the honey from our bees. We mixed all of the ingredients and the final product was very good. For the chocolate truffles, we needed 300g of chocolate, 200ml of whipped cream, and 50g of butter. All of the products were vegan. The chocolate was dark, the whipped cream was from coconut milk, and the butter was vegan. ‘Thanks’ to me, the products were vegan because I am gluten and dairy-free. Many thanks to my classmates for accepting that and not having any problem with it. “

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