DPOH: Hviezdoslav in English (Y9,Y10,Y11)

DPOH: Hviezdoslav in English (Y9,Y10,Y11)


16 January 2025    
10:00 - 11:30

Event Type

Y9, Y10 and Y 11 students attending a play in DPOH theatre, Laurinska 20, Bratislava T

itle of the play: The bloody sonnet by P.O.Hviezdoslav (in English language).

Students would leave the school at 9:20, coming back at 12:00. The tickets are covered by the school .

“A song of blood: – the thought is strange and wild?! – And which?” Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav’s cycle of thirty-two Bloody Sonnets begins with this sketch of a shocking reflection, in which he speaks prophetically not only about the facts and consequences of the First World War, but also about the times to come, which are incapable of learning from the horrors of the past.

It is precisely because of this inability to influence the course of history that we must once again amplify Hviezdoslav’s appeal to the cruelties of war, and thereby also purge it of its misuse under socialism.

More info: https://dpoh.sk/inscenacia/the-bloody-sonnets/6758370f846ba0eff69711a0/

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