
The Joy of Reading in Our Slovak Language Lessons

Reading is one of our favorite activities during Slovak language lessons. Every Monday, the students spend 10 minutes reading, after which we discuss what we’ve read together. These discussions allow students to share their thoughts, understand different perspectives, and engage more deeply with the stories. In some classes, we also read stories together, such as Pippi Longstocking, which brings both fun and learning into the classroom.

Reading is not only enjoyable, but it’s also an important way to strengthen our Slovak language skills. Through books, students expand their vocabulary, improve their comprehension, and learn how to express themselves better. Reading also opens up new worlds, sparking curiosity and imagination. To make reading even more engaging, we have a competition between classes to see who can read the most books. This friendly challenge encourages students to read more often and discover new stories.


In our classroom, we also have a small library where students can borrow books. This makes it easy for everyone to have access to interesting reading material. Whether they prefer fiction or non-fiction, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Reading is not just a skill, but a lifelong habit that can enrich our lives in countless ways, and we’re excited to foster that love for reading in our Slovak language lessons.

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