
Putting the “E” in EISB

As many of you already know, EISB recently started an English Language Acquisition (ELA) program. The goal of the program is to help learners improve their English skills enough to be successful in an MYP English Language and Literature (ELL) class and eventually the Diploma Program.  MYP learners were chosen for the ELA class based on their scores on the Oxford English Test, which was administered in November. 

The greater aim of our program is to encourage more use of English for all learners.  We have requested that all learners have a book with them at all times. While reading in any language is useful, we encourage students to read in English as much as possible.  As parents, you can help by making sure your student reads regularly at home as well. You should also urge your child to use English in other ways. Television, movies, newspapers, or any other form of media in English will help to expand their knowledge of the language. If others in your family speak English, make it a habit to practice together, even if not everyone is at the same language level.

If you have any questions, concerns, or even suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

Ms. Lisa Kerwin

ELA Coordinator

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