
Kind Word Day

24th of October 23 we had in our fantastic school ´Kind Word Day’
This is a concept coming from our school team encouraging us all to use kind and uplifting words to spread positivity and support. Kindness is a simple yet powerful way to make the world a better place, so every day can be a “Kind Word Day” if we choose to make it so. Offering compliments, showing appreciation, and using words that uplift and inspire can have a significant impact on those around us. Remember, kindness costs nothing but can mean everything to someone in need of a kind word.

Our school was, not only on that day, echoing with words such as
“Please. Thank you. You’re welcome. I appreciate that….You make a difference. You’re so talented. You’re a true friend. I admire your perseverance. You’re a fantastic listener. I’m grateful for your help. You’re an inspiration. I value your friendship. I like your hair…etc” so the students as well as teachers were giving or getting stickers of Kindness. At the end of the day lucky students won great prizes. Remember: Give Kindness and Get Kindness back!
More fabulous whole school activities to come, so be ready.



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